MultiCare Health System & Divurgent Evolving the Training Paradigm
Presented by MultiCare Health System & DivurgentLearning Objectives:Glean how the challenges of the past three years have impacted trainingUnderstand opportunities in virtualization, curriculum development, scheduling, staffing, and technology can help to evolve the training paradigmLearn to apply these lessons to your own situation and continue the dialogueCovid 19 has led to unprecedented challenges in the delivery of health care. The global pandemic combined with record staff burnout and turnover, rising use of agency nursing and continuing merger and acquisition activity have forced training into a highly reactive position. Training pivoted from a traditional classroom model to utilizing off the shelf web-conferencing software not ideal for teaching classes. This led to lower levels of satisfaction with training for Go-Lives as well as new hire and ongoing training for mature systems. Furthermore, gaps in training resulted in increased dependence on at-the-elbow supp
Publish Date: 08/15/2022
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